Home » Recap of Season 1 | Your Everyday Heroes

Recap of Season 1 | Your Everyday Heroes

Showcase the unbelievable accomplishments of everyday heroes

by Nolan Hawk

What Is Your Everyday Heroes?

Your Everyday Heroes is a documentary platform that seeks to spotlight ordinary people who do extraordinary deeds, sacrificing bits of themselves for the wellbeing of humanity. We believe that all people have the potential to be heroes, that heroism does not necessarily equal wealth, power, or social capital. Because these traits are often falsely correlated with heroism, everyday heroes are likely to go unnoticed. Through our inspiring documentaries, we hope to change that.

Documenting the Day-to-Day Lives of Everyday Heroes

Our documentaries showcase the unbelievable accomplishments of everyday heroes, while still demonstrating their humanity. In seeing the relatable struggles that our heroes endure, we hope that our viewers will recognize their own potential for heroism. We want to inspire not only positive thought, but positive action.

Everyday Heroes From All Walks of Life

While our platform is based in the United States, we feel that it is vital to share inspiring stories from across the globe, as heroism is a universal trait. Our heroes are not limited to a single cultural background, struggle, or cause. They exemplify the endless ways in which a person can be heroic.

Our Chicago Heroes Rock!

Why Did We Create Your Everyday Heroes?

We founded Your Everyday Heroes to both inspire our viewers and to highlight the heroism of people who are glossed over by larger media outlets. Even with the many documentaries we have already filmed, we are still in our infant stages, constantly expanding our reach to find heroes of different backgrounds and with different causes. 

Your Everyday Heroes FAQ

Q: What is an everyday hero?

An everyday hero is someone who, despite having no powers beyond that of an ordinary person, strives daily to make a positive impact on their world. An everyday hero could be a teacher, a volunteer, or even someone who simply makes it a point to show kindness to others.

Q: What is the definition of heroism?

Heroism is a sacrifice. Whether it be time, money, energy, or emotional wellbeing, heroes sacrifice parts of themselves for the betterment of humankind. It is not something exclusive to people with status. Anyone, including our viewers, can be a hero.

Q: What does Your Everyday Heroes hope to accomplish?

Your Everyday Heroes hopes to expand our reach to include heroes of more backgrounds, with more causes, and with more struggles. We want all of our viewers to be able to identify with our heroes and thereby recognize their own heroic capability. By planting seeds of inspiration, we intend to make the world a more positive place.

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